Why Zinnias for Zion?
Where did it begin?
On March 20, 2018, the Zion City Council voted to make the Zinnia the Zion Flower to beautify the neighborhoods and entice residents to participate in a healthy activity. It was sparked by “Lilacs in Lombard”. Upon returning from a Zion Park District Senior Trip in 1999, bus driver Cheri Neal began researching flowers that the Zion community could embrace and showcase. She found that the Zinnia came in every size from tiny to huge, and in a wide variety of colors, a perfect a symbol to represent Zion’s unique diversity. Additionally, Zinnias represent Joy! What better to plant in a community than Joy? The effort has grown with the new goal of making Zion the Zinnia Capital!
Thank you to those who believe in the power behind Zinnias!
Thank you to the following businesses for donating seeds!
Thank you True Leaf Market, Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Co, Joyful Butterfly, Applewood Seed Company, American Meadows, Select Seeds, Pana American Seed Co and Ball Horticulture for donating seeds!
Thank you to the following people and businesses for purchasing flats!
Grace Missionary Church, Rolling Hills Campus, ZBTHS, Zion Park District, Zion Senior Cottages, Congdon’s Funeral Home, Zion-Benton Public Library, N & T’s Restaurant, Memorial United Methodist Church, Residents: Ginny Adams, Noma Blanton and Vanessa Hill, Zion Historical Society, Zion Township, City of Zion, Culvers, The Grove at Lake, ESDA, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Aspire, Lake County Housing Authority, Market Square Hotel, Zion Commissioner Jackie Holmes
Thank you to the following people and businesses for adopting a location!
N Lewis at 12st and Lewis west side – Adopted by Queen Bees of Zion Red Hat Society
S Lewis at 33rd and Lewis east side – Adopted by Pam Idleburg and the LC Sheriff
N Sheridan south of Camp Logan Rd west side – Adopted by Collison Solutions - Hal Davis
S Sheridan north of Wadsworth Rd east side (by Bill’s Custard) – Adopted by Kathy Champine
173 east of Greenbay Rd south side by Subway – Adopted by Elite Cheer
Shiloh House – around the sign and the flagpole – Adopted by the Zion Historical Society
Police Department by flag pole and door on Gilboa Ave. – Adopted by Ginny Adams
Carillon – 27th and Caledonia – west of Fire Station – Adopted by Cheri Neal
City Hall by Electronic sign, around flag pole, parking lot, along sidewalk - Adopted by Gale Dulian
Dome Pots at 24th and Sheridan Rd. – Adopted by Joe Knobbe
Fire Station 1 at the flag pole at Elisha and Caledonia – Adopted by Il Dunesland Garden Club
Fire Station #2 by bushes in front, Lewis Ave N of 21st St. - Adopted by Il Dunesland Garden Club
Clock Tower garden bed – Sheridan Rd and Shiloh Blvd east side – Adopted by Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
14 planters along Emmaus Ave and Shiloh Blvd, along the Lagoon – Adopted by Cancer Treatment Centers Holistic Council and Friends